Territ Is Running For Vanarch!
Sat, 30 Jun 2012 00:47:39 -0700 - Katarina
The Third Circle of Vanarchs is approaching and this time Territ is participating. Unfortunately the character limit in the in-game statement section is very small, so I wanted to print a more detailed version here.
We are running for Vanarchy on the continent of Arun, in the provinces of Poporia, Arcadia, and The Island of Dawn, respectively. We are participating via election rather than GvG.
All of our tax money will be returned to the community through regular Lotto-style giveaways, preferably to new players who could really benefit from it. We are a large guild with many active players; We neither need nor want your gold, and this is our way of giving back.
Zone taxes will remain at 1% for the entire duration of our reign, and aim to keep all NPCs running with priority to Skill Trainers, Trade Brokers, and Specialty Stores.
Once again:
- 1% taxes
- All tax money returned to the community via lotto
- Aiming for 100% NPC uptime with priority to Skill Trainers, Trade Brokers, and Specialty Stores
Voting begins in one week (on Friday, July 6th at 6 PM PDT). Remember to vote and encourage your friends to do the same! For non members, we hope you'll consider voting for us in Arun and look forward to serving you as Vanarchs.